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Jabberwocky Tracklist

About “Jabberwocky”

My unreleased attempt at an album. Originally there were 14 songs slated for release but I ended up only releasing a single from the album entitled, Verman

“Jabberwocky” Q&A

  • How many songs was this supposed to have? What happened to them?


    It was supposed to have upwards of 25 songs, I was a bit too ambitious. I have the songs still, I released a few on my Soundcloud page as ANALOUGE SESSIONS VOL 1. I took out the drums and major bass sounds.
    I may release them later down the line.. who knows.

  • Wen were you supposed to release this?


    Originally Fall of 2016, Then The Winter, Then February of 2017, then I ended up cancelling it!

  • Why have it up?


    So everyone knows where I cam from and how it brought me to where I am today!

When did ​bretsil release Jabberwocky?

Album Credits

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